The secret of the high quality of Damilano wines is hidden in the grapes and in the MGA that the company care with the same passion, dedication and precision of the founders, combined with contemporary wisdom. These are prestigious MGA, located in areas that are most suitable for the production of Nebbiolo grapes. Think of wines like Cannubi, Liste, Brunate, Cerequio and Raviole.


Cannubi MGA is the flagship of the company. If Piedmont had a Grand Cru classification system similar to the Burgundy one, Cannubi MGA (also called Cannubio or Canubbio) would be considered one of very few Barolo Grand CRU, quality wise too.

It has a long history: notes about this MGA were found in ancient documents dating back to the 1700’s. The oldest bottle of the Langhe still preserved, is kept within the Manzone family archive, in the Municipality of Bra and bears the inscription “Cannubi 1752”; this precious bottle proves how much this MGA was already important and esteemed, long before the name Barolo was officially adopted to reference aged Nebbiolo from this area.

Cannubi has unique characteristics.  The quality of Cannubi grapes is related to the particular soil composition: this is indeed the only MGA in the entire Barolo production area, where the soils of Tortonian and Helvetian origin belonging to different geological eras, came in contact, merged and blended. The result is a unique mix. The high sand content gives the wine intense aromas: fruity notes of cherry and plum evolving in tobacco, rose and violet. Alkalinity and high calcium content provide a final touch of finesse and elegance.

Despite the high percentage of sand, the presence of silt and clay with its micro-elements, plus potassium and magnesium, provide an intense and lively color and a high polyphenolic concentrations. Fine sand together with the high content of clay and loam infuse the clusters of Nebbiolo grapes, destined for the production of Barolo Cannubi, with unique characteristics in terms of special finesse and elegance.

All these natural properties grant this wine exclusive quality and a refined style, which Damilano family handle with passion, enormous attention to details and precise winemaking techniques. The family is known for its historical presence on the Cannubi hill, owning about 2 hectares and leasing 8 more.


These are exclusive rows vinified only by two producers.

The vines of this MGA are planted in a very small MGA called Liste of which Damilano family manages about 2 hectares. The loam and silty soils (with only 15% of sand) give the wine great complexity of aromas and structure, which combined with good acidity and a strong tannic component, contributes to its longevity. The depth of the soil and the greater availability of water also favor the production of more structured, tannic and powerful wines, so much that Liste has to be released on the market a year later compared to the other Damilano’s MGA.


The first name to identify these MGA plots of La Morra is “Brinate”. Notes of this word can also be found in ancient documents writing about the territory. Its rows are developed on a single side full of majestic ridges which gives a homogeneous exposure.

The finer soil structure contributes, with aging, to notes of tobacco, rose and licorice and in the great vintages truffle and tar at the nose. A high presence of calcium instead brings with it a touch of finesse and elegance. Silt and clay with their micro-elements, plus potassium and magnesium, provide a less intense and lively color, but a notable polyphenolic concentrations.


Cerequio is a beautiful amphitheater MGA, facing south almost entirely. It benefits from a particularly happy climate, protected from the cold winds coming from the north, thanks to the high hills of La Morra.

This magnificent MGA has a fairly loose soil with a greater composition of silt and clay: it is a deep soil that favors the production of structured, tannic and more complex wines compared for example to other Barolo.


It is an unknown geographical mention of which Damilano is the only producer. Raviole is located in the municipality of Grinzane Cavour.

The vines can count on alluvial soils that boost the liveliness and fruity character of this wine, while the good percentages of loam and clay translates in the glass finesse, intense aroma and delicate structure with a distinct personality.

All Barolo from Damilano

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